duminică, 9 iunie 2013

PIATA SFATULUI BRASOV-Brașov Council Square (Piața Sfatului)

 Din 1520, acest loc atestat ca târg, numită în documente Markplatz, a fost gazda a numeroase târguri. Din 1364 era organizat târgul anual cu participare largă, unde ajungeau şi negustori de peste hotare. Frumoasele case cu arcade din jurul pieţii ar putea povesti multe. În piaţă cândva a existat Stâlpul infamiei, unde au fost judecate şi vrăjitoarele şi se aplicau public pedepse corporale vinovaţilor de diferite fapte. Aici în 1688 a fost decapitat Stefan Stener, şeful breslei cizmarilor, care s-a împotrivit intrării austriecilor în oraş. Până în 1892 în piaţă existau şi două fântâni. Cea mai impunătoare clădire este Casa a Sfatului aflată în centrul pieţei, construită în 1420. Primăria de odinioară, astăzi găzduieşte Muzeul de istorie. În clădirea din Piata Sfatului nr.16 funcţiona prima farmacie a oraşului.

 The Brasov Council Square (Piaţa Sfatului in Romanian, former Marktplatzin German) obtained its right to held markets in 1520, but it has been the place for annual markets since 1364 being visited by merchants from the country and abroad. The houses surrounding the square speak of a rich history. A pillory, in the middle of the square, was used as a means for public humiliation, punishment and scorn. Witches were also punished here, but the head of the shoemaker guild, Stefan Stenert, who opposed the entry of theAustrian army into Braşov, was also beheaded here in 1688. Till 1892 there were two wells in the square. The most important building in the square is the Council House, which was built in 1420 and is located in the middle of the square.
The Old Town, including the Black Church and main square or Council Square (Piaţa Sfatului), features medieval buildings in different architectural styles. Around the main square you can find the picturesque pedestrian-only Republicii street, the Black Church, former Council House, indoor and outdoor terraces and restaurants, the Orthodox Cathedral, Mureşan's House, theHirscher House, the Strada Sforii and more. On Tâmpa Hill, located on the southern side of the city, there was a citadel called Brassovia, and the remains can be seen there today, along with the Weavers tower and the cable car station going up to the top of Mount Tâmpa.
A local tradition holds that the children that the Pied Piper of Hamelin(Germany) sent underground appeared near this Brasov square.[1]
In communist times,the Council Square was named "Piaţa 23 August" (23 August Square)

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